Kelli & Mike's Delta wedding marked a couple of firsts for me. It was my first time in the Mississippi Delta- Birthplace of the Blues- and I really hope it's not the last because I love this place and it's ridiculously good-looking people!
Mike, (who, by the way, was just awarded Young Lawyer of the Year for the state of Mississippi-Go Mike!!!) has strong ties to Ireland as his grandfather is from there. Thus, it was also my first Celtic ceremony wherein these two love birds did what is known as a Handfasting. It was beautiful. And Kelli- with her connections as Director of Tourism for Cleveland- made my day when she told me the town's theater would have a custom marquee for them!
Basically, they're awesome and I feel awesome by proxy for being asked to document their love. Congratulations Kelli & Mike!!

May the blessing of light,
Be with you always,
Light without and light within.
And may the sun shine
Upon you and warm your heart
Until it glows
Like a great fire
So that others may feel
The Warmth of your love
For one another.
-Irish Blessing